First Post

This class is a requirement for the Digital Imaging and Prepress Technology certificate I am pursuing. Even though I am not a business major I am interested in the various types of advertising that exist in this modern age. Outside of school I am interested in various television shows (ex: Bob's Burgers) and phone app games (ex: Cooking Fever.)

The article in Entrepreneur that I have chosen to write about calls to attention the four most common mistakes people make when incorporating social media marketing into their business. The first mistake people make is not using social media to interact with their followers. You need to do more than just answer questions. Get people excited about your business by incorporating fun things like memes, videos, or whatever your typical consumer base would enjoy. The second mistake is being overly promotional. The point of a social media profile for your business is not to be one giant advertisement generator. This will cause followers to become uninterested in your site. Not using call-to-actions is the third mistake. Simply putting links to your business' website can be a huge advantage to your business. They don't have to be promotional, but they should be engaging by using words to get people interested. Lastly, spreading yourself too thin on multiple social media sites at once is a common mistake. Pick the two or three sites your business thrives on and focus on making your impact on those bigger. Being average on a lot of sites is less impactful than being great on a couple sites.
The marketing point this article makes is that social media can be hugely beneficial in increasing sales of your business if used correctly. By avoiding these four common mistakes, consumers can generate a buzz about your business that spreads to more consumers and increases business.
I suppose the value proposition of social media in businesses, according to the site, is that it isn't a place for typical advertising. It is a place people go to get excited about your business without being pressured to buy things with non-stop "great deals." Social media can be hugely beneficial in spreading the word, which is modern day great marketing.
Everything about this article was something I didn't know, and so the whole article was informative.


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